This year I have decided to make the dreaded resolutions but not for anyone else - just for me . As lame as making changes just because it's a new year is this year I'm not gonna see it that way . I'm gonna take it as an opportunity to actually do some of the things I want !! Nothing earth moving but If I succeed I will be very proud of myself. So heading into the new year I'm finally going to get that second language down - learning Spanish has been on my list for longer than I can remember !! Get back into bikram yoga at least twice a week and attempt a half marathon in June !!! All these as well as getting more into my writing and oh maybe figuring out a career path :) not sure if that one will ever happen !! Lol but ill try
I hope you all take this new year as an opportunity to do something for yourself and achieve a goal you have wanted to for a long time
Xxxx thefashionragdoll